We are parents, just like you, who felt the need to find out what can our children be really great at. We partnered with seasoned educators and psychologists (and some insane programmers too), to develop a simple to use, scientific based tool that would give us the answer what our children are really passionate about and how we can help them develop their strengths.
Backed by science! Our top notch team of psychologists and researchers has prepared a unique selection of questions to accurately determine talents and skills which, developed properly, can simply help your child achieve greater success in life.
Discover!KidsTal is the only online tool backed by solid science, where answering a few question about your child and letting him to click a few simple pictures allows you to learn what talents and skills your child possesses. Develop!After completing our scientific test, we will provide you with individualized updates on what you can in order to develop your child's unique talents. We'll send you on regular basis emails with specific, yet simple tasks you can ask your child to execute in order to develop his skills and give him an advantage for the future.
Register today to get a free assessment of your child’s talents!
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Let’s help our children develop to their fullest potential, so they become happy, talented and fulfilled adults.
Lately, there has been a growing trend of discovering children’s talents. Until recently, parents seem to have been more occupied with investigating children’s disorders than their talents.
Is it an innate ability, aptitude, gift or faculty? Or maybe it is a person’s preferences, hobbies, and interests?
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